Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Comparing our film with films of the same genre

My Sisters Keeper (2009)
The tragic drama film 'My Sisters Keeper' is a film our group frequently associate our film being similar to. We found that a lot of our ideas were similar and the use of certain characters and the ways they came across are sometimes alike.
One of the main similarities with this film and ours is the use of children that results in family conflict and issues. Even though the age of the children is different the impact they have on the storyline is very similar. Also the theme of death is something that links them but the difference is the death in our film is shown at the start whereas in 'My Sisters Keeper' it is kept until the end.
Our film focus's on the relationship between Nick and Sarah and we feel like even though 'My Sisters Keeper' does not use the mother and fathers relationship as a main point it is still something that is touched upon and something we felt was similar. This is shown through the way both marriages are put through difficulties and they both face times where they are close to breaking up and have arguments. The stress that is put on the couples relationships is both down to children but more different reasons as they only want what is best for their children as well as preserve their memory.
The theme of death is something that occurs quite frequently in drama films. Because we are creating a tragic drama we felt it was necessary to include this as other successful film like 'My Sisters Keeper' have used this to make the film altogether more emotional to be able to meet the expectations of a tragic drama.

'My Sisters Keeper' film opening sequence -

Film trailer-

Similar Screen Shots
These two screen shots from both 'My Sisters Keeper' and 'The Last Secret' are two shots from both film we feel are similar. They are both close up of a young child's face and both of these children are the ones that are the main focus in both films. They are also both home videos and the shot from 'My Sisters Keeper' is used at the beginning of the film which is also like our film as the close up of Paige is used in the first part.

The two screen shots of the mum's in both films is similar as they are positioned in similar positions but also the situation they are in at that point is very alike. They both play the part of a mother who is very emotional and is put through tough times which puts stress upon their marriages. They both try to hide their emotions and put on a brave face for their loved ones but neither can deny their worry and sadness over their children

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