Wednesday 19 January 2011

Catch me if you can opening sequence

Genre - Mystery, drama, crime, action. the mysterious music instantly sets the mood which makes the audience have a preconception of what the genre of the film in. the way it does not instantly use the actors but instead uses retro animations is a strange way to start a film which leaves the audience not being sure of what could be in the film which makes it more of a mystery genre

Narrative - (hints of the storyline) Images of planes suggests part of the plot is to do with airports. There also seems to be one running away from another person which indicates there will be a chase that is also given away by the title 'Catch me if you can'. It manages to tell you what’s going to happen by using animations as there is also someone dressed as a doctor and a lawyer and as that same character changes a lot it shows how there is going to be a issue with identity.

Atmosphere – It comes across quite mysterious, you get the impression that there is going to be a chase and that someone is running from something and secrets are involved

Themes – sneaky, secretive, imitation, loner, wealth, careers.

Setting – Retro animation showing possible setting that may come up in the film. For example airport, hospital, court which shows that they are going to have a big impact on the film. Yellow cabs suggest it is in America as the yellow cab chases another car containing the character being chased.

Sound – Music changes pace, it becomes faster on the chase parts and sets a mood that the film is going to be quite edgy and got slower on the parts that showed a more luxurious lifestyle in a big house having a party.

Titles – The names of the actors appeared early and had an arrow point towards a character to show that Leonardo DiCaprio was the one being chased and tom hanks was the chaser. Starts of with the company and is followed by the film title.  

Character – 2 male lead roles, the arrow pointing to Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hanks suggest they are the main roles and immediately it shows you which one is the one that is being chased. There is one in disguise and changes outfits to different professions which shows what is going to happen throughout the film

Wishin and hopin opening sequence

Genre - romance, rom-com, chick flick. The song that talks about being in love suggests that the film will involve love and marriage as the women are in formal wedding and bridesmaid dresses.

Narrative - Weddings seems to be the main focus of the opening scene as forecasts a wedding that will happen during the film, the bridesmaids also play a big part as it shows friendship and also something could go wrong involving a man that is suggested by the song

Characters – Women are the only ones shown suggesting the lead role will be female but they speak about men. There is going to be a bride with bridesmaids and they have a friendship

Setting – set in a studio with a feminine pink background the studio represents how they are making fun of how cheesy the song is and show the stereotypical bride.

Sound – diegetic love song that they are singing which is cheesy as they talk about love and men suggesting romance. The song is a comic element aimed to be making a joke of it

Titles – the titles are written to make it look like they are handwritten like it’s a wedding invitation. Names of big actresses (Julia Roberts) to attract the audience as famous actresses and actors is what draws in audiences

Themes – Weddings, love, happiness, friendship, not modern, men.

Atmosphere – feminine, light hearted. The colours are all pastel and it has a mood about it that nothing else matters to them and that they are all happy which makes the atmosphere of this scene become more cheerful

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