Sunday 30 January 2011

Lesson 1; film remakes

For this lesson we got into our groups and watched three different openings for three different genres. The genres we were given were comedy, horror and thriller. My group we decided on 50 first dates, The strangers and Vertigo. These were given to us to give us an idea of what genre we wanted to use for our final piece and to help us to make the choice easier by practising of different major genres. We decided on these three as we felt they would be both challenging and interesting to be able to film and come up with original ideas to make our opening as similar as we could. As there are three of us in our group we came up with a way that we felt was beneficial to split up the work evenly by focusing on creating the storyboard and shot list on a film each to make sure the work was spread out fairly. As there was not enough time in this lesson to begin filming we used our time productively and began planning ways of re-creating the opening and thought of where it was going to be filmed. We wanted to be imaginative but still make it look as much like the original as possible

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